
Monday, May 5, 2008

Promotion Book

Information in around (about) Kutubusitah.

Kutubusitah come from Arab Language, its meaning is six book / holy book for example:

  1. Sohih Bukhori

  2. Sohih Muslim

  3. Sunan Ibnu Madjah

  4. Sunan Abu Dawud

  5. Sunan Tirmidzi

  6. Sunan Nasa’i

Sixth the holy book recognized with Al-Hadits, that is story / reporting about deportment Prophet of Muhammad SAW and all its friend in experiencing, practicing life by then.

Initially that story is mustered then checked, to be tested with various method research of hadits (science of mustokhahul hadits) to differentiate among weak (dhoif) and valid (true), compiled in series, systematic as according to theme, chapter etc.

How them get story about Prophet of Muhammad SAW?

Prophet of Muhammad SAW born April 20, 571 or 12 Robi'ul Awal, year of Elephant and pass away June 8, 632 or 12 Robi'ul Awal 11 Hijriah.

One of the examples is Holy Book of Sohih Bukhori.

Imam Bukhori mustering Holy Book of Sohih Bukhori which life in the year 810-870 do not meet Prophet of Muhammad SAW, but getting story of its teacher, its teacher also get hadits of previous teacher and so on until to direct friend see deed or hear utterance Prophet of Muhammad SAW.

Teacher sequence learn that in science term of hadits referred by Sanad / Isnad (backrest)..

So Al-Hadits is not someone composition, but really story happened which have been tested its validity and more like with history, have egregious and confessed by mufti (Islam science expert) in all the world.

Kutubusitah / six unit Al-Hadits which on the market in here printed and imported from Beirut, Lebanon.

Price of Al-Hadits varying beside depended to amount of volume / its volume, also depended to its paper type, white (hvs) or yellow. Exist in our stock whereas as follows:

Name of Kitab

Paper colour & Volume


Sohih Bukhori



US $ 24.70

Sohih Muslim



US $ 29

Sunan Abu Dawud



US $ 15

Sunan Tirmidzi



US $ 30.50

Sunan Nasa’i



US $ 29.25

Sunan Ibnu Majah



US $ 14.85

*) Price at any times can change

Price is not including delivery expense. To which ordering to be requested to give complete address and your State place reside.

We immediately deliver holy book which your order, after you give chapter and verse the transfer of to our account, and we confirm to bank receiving delivery your money.

To a set complete US $ 153.70 (all of six books)

But to you that feel costly, hence us provide a set Holy Book of Muchtarul Adilah (choice theorems)

Your advantage buys Holy Book of Muchtarul the following Al-Hadits:

  1. A Set Holy Book of Muchtarul Adilah by representative have represented citation from various Kutubusitah Hadits added the other Hadits.

  2. Consist of about 16 important choice themes group to immediately known its contents, for example Holy Book of Sifatil Janati Wan Nar (situation of hell and heaven), Holy Book of Janaiz (about situation one who is buried and what will happened in grave nature), Civil Kitabul (about ethic kindness / good behavior) and still many again.

  3. Its Price relative of cheaper, only US $ 17.50

Message immediately to equip your reference. Delivery of your money, transfer to account

Name : Hari Wuryanto

Bank : Bank Mandiri of Branch Magelang

Number Account : 1360005687634

Example fill from one of the hadits Holy Book of Muchtarul Adilah : Kitabul Janaiz (corpse chapter)

Written of page 42-43: From Anas real Prophet of Muhammad SAW utter: "in fact a slave (human) when put down in grave and all people who bury him look away from grave. Hence in fact that dead body hears their slipper voice when leaving grave. Later come two Angel which then seat the dead body. Two the Angel then enquires to dead body "what word of you about Muhammad SAW?" If that dead body is one who believe and following the scent he hence will say "I testify that he (Prophet of Muhammad SAW) is courier and slave of Alloh". Hence told to dead body "see your place in hell but God (Alloh SWT) have replaced your place with is better (heaven). So that the dead body see the two place (hell and heaven).

But if one who disobey (kufur), that is one who off the scent Prophet of Muhammad SAW or hypocrite (its mouth tell trust but its liver disobey) when told: "who is this Joe (Prophet of Muhammad SAW)", hence him tell "I do not know, I am only saying / doing as people say".

"You do not know, you do not read (Holy Book)" then he is beated once blow between two ears, hence screaming him by ear hard scream which heard by creature besides two factions (human being and genie).

Example of fill this hadits there are in Kitabul Janaiz of page 42-43 representing citation of Kitabul Janaiz Hadis Sunan Nasai (Kutubusitah). Immediately order and follow solution of interesting other chapter.

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